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Speaker Resources

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Slide Deck

For all our presenters, we have created a Twin Cities Drupal Camp slide deck on Google Slides. Simply make a copy of the slides we've provided and use them in our presentation. It will not only save you time, but promote our camp!


Q: How long are sessions?
A: Sessions are all 45 minutes in length. You should plan on including 10-15 minutes at the end for questions. Attendees really like the opportunity to ask questions.

Q: What should I bring with me?
A: Your laptop, slides, power cord, and a HDMI adapter (if needed) to plug into the projector. There will be HDMI and VGA inputs, but not USB-C.

Q: What should I do if I get sick?
A: In the event that you can't present your session, please email us at as soon as possible and we'll work with you to figure out a suitable alternative.

Q: How are speakers compensated?
A: Complimentary camp registration,high fives and our eternal gratitude. You're also invited to all our great parties!

Online Resources

Videos about presenting

If you prefer books

  • Presentation Zen
  • Slide:ology
  • Beyond Bullet Points

Day of Information
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your session in order to ensure an on-time start. Use this opportunity to get any equipment setup, make sure you remember your own name, and do any pre-presentation routines like jumping jacks or blasting rock n' roll.