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Layout Builder in the Real World

Friday, 10:45am - 11:30am
Getting Started
Site Building
Front-end Design & Development
Experience Level: 
Session Length: 
45 minutes

Layout Builder in the Real World

Is the Drupal 8’s new Layout Builder UI the holy grail of editor user experience? We’ve created a new version of using Drupal 8. A huge goal for this project is to put our Head of Marketing, a non-technical user, in total control of the site. Drupal 8 was just rolling out Layout Builder in core as we started the project, and the timing was perfect to use Layout Builder as the basis for our newest solution. We had some successes and learned some lessons. In this session we’ll talk about:

• Our final Layout Builder editorial experience on
• Modifications we made to core Layout builder, including configurable css and a way to add titles to layout sections.
• Block editor user experience improvements we made.
• What makes Layout Builder different than other approaches enabling editors to manage the UI.
• Whether you should Layout Builder all the things.