At this years Twin Cities Drupal Camp, we’re excited to introduce our first ever Unconference. We’re combining our contribution sprints and the final day of sessions into a combined day of facilitated discussions, peer to peer sharing, and contribution opportunities on Saturday June 8th, 9:00am - 5:00pm.
Participants will bring whatever topics or questions are burning in their minds and we’ll use a facilitated process to break into groups of like-minded or curious people and engage in deep conversations and knowledge sharing, much like the Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions we often have at Drupal Camps or DrupalCon.
Here are the kinds of questions that you might bring with you to the unconference:
- How do I decide if Drupal 8 is right for my project?
- Can I build it myself or do I need a professional?
- What kind of job opportunities are available and how do I find them?
- Is headless Drupal right for my project?
- What is headless Drupal?
- How do I find a contactor for my project?
- Is a CMS always the right answer?
- How can we engage more high schoolers in our project?
- What should I be doing to prepare for Drupal 7 end of life? How do we increase diversity in our community?
- How do I get more involved in Drupal or other open source projects?
- Tell me more about this thing I learned about at a session yesterday.
The unconference format is designed to include everyone and meet them where they are at. The first rule of unconference is the Law of Two Feet which says “If at any time during our time together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet, and move to a different discussion/conversation.”
We’ll do our best to make sure that there are plenty of opportunities for you to find a conversation or engage with a contribution mentor on a project that interests you.
- Twin Cities Drupal Open House - on groups.drupal.org
- TEN7 Podcast Episode 040: Twin Cities Open Source
- CMS Unconference How to run a great unconference session